Wellbeing Research Zone: Learning With Children and Young People How to Care Better
Mixed Methodology
Mixed methodology can be a useful combining of methods to serve multiple purposes and provide a richer and deeper narrative. With increasing pressure to produce traditional numerical data to be included alongside funding bids, alongside the knowledge that quantitative data alone cannot capture the nuance and complexity of therapeutic work. Therefore many practitioners prefer to use mixed and multiple methods to research their practice. Mixed methods can be a complex methodology to research complex situations.
Mixed-Method Research Designs.
Convergent Parallel
Qualitative and quantitative data are collected simultaneously and are then compared and contrasted once the research has been completed.
Explanatory Sequential
Quantitative data and analysis are completed first, followed by qualitative data collection and analysis.
Exploratory Sequential
Qualitative data and analysis are completed for, followed by quantitative data collection and analysis.
Qualitative and quantitative data are collected and analysed simultaneously within either a quantitative or qualitative overall design.
Qualitative and quantitative data are collected either simultaneously or sequentially within a specific theoretically based framework (psychoanalytic/ feminist etc)
Qualitative and quantitative studies are conducted separately to gather relevant data before a mixed methods research project is undertaken
Definition from: Johnson, R B, Onwuegbuzie, A, J & Turner L, A (2007) Towards a definition of mixed methods research, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(2) 112-133